Tech-Based Composing Demystified
Using iPads, Computers, and other Devices to Empower Creativity
Jesse Rathgeber, NAfME National Conference 2014
Scholarly Resources:
Carter, B. (2013). Digital natives and composition in the middle school band: From imagination to music. In M. Kaschub & J. P. Smith(Eds.),
Composing our future: Preparing music educators to teach composition (pp. 225-242). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dammers, R. (2013). Capitalizing on emerging technologies in composition education. In M. Kaschub & J. P. Smith (Eds.), Composing
our future: Preparing music educators to teach composition (pp. 201-210). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hickey, M. (2012). Music outside the lines: Ideas for composing in k-12 music classrooms. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pegley, K. (2006). "Like horses to water": Reconsidering gender and technology within music education discources. Women and Music: A
Journal of Gender and Culture, 10, 60-70.
Shibasaki, K, & Marshall, N. A. (2013). Gender differences in computer- and instrumental-based musical compositions. Educational
Research, 55(4), 347-360.
Tobias, E. S. (Forthcoming). Learning with digital media and technology in hybrid music classrooms. In C. Abril & B. Gault (Eds).
Approaches to teaching general music. New York: Oxford University Press.
Watson, S. (2011). Using technology to unlock musical creativity. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Webster, P. R., & Williams, D. B. (2008). Experiencing music technology. (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Schirmer Cengage Learning.
Wiggins, G. (2005). Understanding by design: Overview of UBD & the design template. Retrived
from: http://www.grantwiggins.org/documents/UbDQuikvue1005.pdf
Wiggins, J. (2009). Teaching for musical understanding (2nd ed.). Rochester, MI: Center for Applied Research in Musical
Understanding, Oakland University.
Image Resources: